My research is mostly in collaboration with students and colleagues, aiming to advance our understanding of speech sounds, how they work as systems, how they are produced and perceived, how they are situated in society and how they change over time. Our work integrates research, teaching and outreach. These days, I'm working to learn about Algonquian languages but also doing some general theoretical work in various areas.
Below are some projects currently in preparation or even in the pipeline for publication. (Already published material is under the "CV" link.) I'm happy to share unpublished work, especially in exchange for comments and suggestions.
In preparation Joshua Bousquette, Joshua R. Brown, Michael T. Putnam & Joseph Salmons. The Linguistic Diversity of German: Sociolinguistic and structural variation in Europe and the diaspora. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Initial draft done.)
In preparation Dialect. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Initial draft done.)
In preparation Member of the editorial team, Companion to Diachrony. 5 volumes. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
Forthcomig Charlotte Vanhecke and Joseph Salmons. The historical sociolinguistics of Dutch in the American Midwest. Anita Auer, Joshua R. Brown and Angela Hoffman (eds.), Historical Sociolinguistic Studies of Language Islands in the Americas: Tracing the Development from Immigrant Languages to Postvernacularity. Leiden: Brill.
Forthcomig David Natvig and Joseph Salmons. Final laryngeal neutralization. Companion to Phonology. Second edition. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
Forthcomig The historical sociolinguistics of Norwegian-American bilingualism.Norwegian-American Essaays.