Curriculum Vitae


It's finally gotten too cumbersome to keep up an online CV. I'm only updating major material. You can see a lot on my GoogleScholar profile, here. If you want to know about anything not below, just email me.





2021 Sound Change. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Order.

2018 A History of German: What the past reveals about today's language. Second edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

1993 The Glottalic Theory: Survey and synthesis. Washington, DC: Institute for the Study of Man. Journal of Indo-European Studies monograph series, no. 10.

1992 Accentual Change and Language Contact: Comparative survey and case study of early northern Europe. Stanford, Ca.: Stanford University Press and London: Routledge.

Edited Volumes

2025 Jeroen Darquennes, Wim Vandenbussche & Joseph Salmons, eds. Contact Linguistics. Berlin: de Gruyter Handbooks. Volume 2.

2024 Rachyl Hietpas, Mirva Johnson, Laura Moquin, Joseph Salmons & Charlotte Vanhecke, eds. Selected proceedings of the 14th Workshop on Immigrant Languages in the Americas. Bergen: Bergen Language and Linguistics Studies.

2019 Jeroen Darquennes, Wim Vandenbussche and Joseph Salmons, eds. Contact Linguistics. Berlin: de Gruyter Handbooks. Volume 1.

2018 Anita Auer, Jonathan Kasstan and Joseph Salmons. Exploring attitude and prestige in the ‘heritage language’ context: A cross-linguistic perspective. Special issue of the International Journal of Bilingualism.

2017 Gijsbert Rutten, Joseph Salmons, Wim Vandenbussche and Rik Vosters, eds. Historical Multilingualism: Contact, Use and Planning. Special issue of Sociolinguistica.

2015 Patrick Honeybone and Joseph C. Salmons, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Historical Phonology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2015 Janne Bondi Johannessen and Joseph Salmons, eds. Germanic heritage languages in North America: Acquisition, attrition and change. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. (Studies in Language Variation.)

2013 Tom Purnell, Eric Raimy and Joe Salmons, eds. Wisconsin Talk: Linguistic diversity in the Badger state. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.

2012 Janne Bondi Johannessen and Joseph Salmons, eds. Norsk i Amerika. Special issue of Norsk Lingvistisk Tidsskrift / Norwegian Linguistics Journal.

2007 Joseph Salmons and Shannon Dubenion-Smith, eds. Historical Linguistics 2005: Selected papers from the 17th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Madison, 31 July — 5 August 2005. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory.)

2003 Christof Mauch & Joseph Salmons, eds. German-Jewish Identities in America. Madison: Max Kade Institute.

2003 Joseph Salmons & Bridget Drinka, eds. Indo-European Language & Culture in Historical Perspective: Essays in Honor of Edgar C. Polomé. Special issue of General Linguistics, vol. 40.

2001 A Word Atlas of Pennsylvania German, by Lester W. J. Seifert†, ed. by Mark L. Louden, Howard Martin & Joseph C. Salmons. Madison: Max Kade Institute.

1998 Brian D. Joseph & Joseph C. Salmons, Nostratic: Sifting the Evidence. Amsterdam: Benjamins. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 142.)

1996 Rosina Lippi-Green & Joseph C. Salmons, Germanic Linguistics: Syntactic and Diachronic. Amsterdam: Benjamins. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 137.)

1993 The German Language in America: 1683-1991. Madison: Max Kade Institute.

1988 Studies in Indiana German-Americana. Vol. 1. W. Lafayette/Indianapolis: Indiana German Heritage Society.

Articles in Journals

2023 Co-authorship in Diachronica and what it means. Diachronica 40. 566-567.

2023 Emily Utz & Joseph Salmons. Comparative-Historical Linguistics. Oxford Bibliographies Online (OBO): Linguistics, ed. by Mark Aronoff. New York: Oxford University Press. (Third revised and updated version.)

2023 Samantha Litty & Joseph Salmons. Segmental Phenomena in Germanic: Consonants. Oxford Research Encyclopedia. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Online.

2022 Brian D. Joseph & Joseph Salmons. Ernst Frideryk Konrad Koerner. Diachronica. 39. 613-615.

2022 Cristopher Font-Santiago, Mirva Johnson and Joseph Salmons. Reallocation: How new forms arise from contact. Language and Linguistic Compass.

2022 Jeremy Biedny, Andrea Cudworth, Sarah Holmstrom, Monica Macaulay, Gabrielle Mistretta, Joseph Salmons, Charlotte Vanhecke, and Bo Zhan. Lexical Relationships in Central Algonquian. Papers of the 51st Algonquian Conference. 1-18.

2022 American Speech in action: Policy and practice. American Speech. 97. 36-40.

2021 Alexandra D’Arcy and Joseph Salmons. Peer review in linguistics journals: Best practices and emerging standards. Language. 97(4). e383-e407.

2021 Joseph Salmons and Huibin Zhuang. What are prosodic templates and how do they fit into grammar and language change? Studies in Prosodic Grammar 7. 1-26.

2021 David Natvig and Joseph Salmons. Connecting structure and variation in sound change. Cadernos de Linguística. 2(1).1-20.

2021 Laura Moquin and Joseph Salmons. American Norwegian discourse marking: Convergence, detachability, pragmatic change. Oslo Studies in Language 11(2).303-318. Special issue, Hagen, Hjelde, Stjernholm and Vangsnes (eds.) Bauta: Memorial volume for Janne Bondi Johannessen.

2020 Laura Moquin and Joseph Salmons. Scandinavian-American English over time: Stereotypes and regionalization. Ampersand. Download here.

2019 Monica Macaulay and Joseph Salmons. Differential invisibilization and its aftermath: Menominee and German in Wisconsin. Taal en Tongval 71(2).187-207.

2019 Tom Purnell, Eric Raimy and Joseph Salmons. Old English Vowels: Diachrony, privativity and phonological representations. Language, Research reports. 95(4). e447-e473.

2018 Joseph Salmons and Huibin Zhang. The diachrony of East Asian prosodic templates. Linguistics. 56.549-580.

2018 Jonathan R. Kasstan, Anita Auer and Joseph Salmons. Heritage-language speakers: Theoretical and empirical challenges on sociolinguistic attitudes and prestige. International Journal of Bilingualism. 22. 1–8.

2017 Gijsbert Rutten, Joseph Salmons, Wim Vandenbussche and Rik Vosters. Unraveling multilingualism in times past: The interplay of language contact, language use and language planning. Historical Multilingualism: Contact, Use and Planning. Special issue of Sociolinguistica. 9-20.

2017 „Keineswegs Feinde der englischen Sprache: Deutsch, Englisch und Schulpolitik in Wisconsin. Muttersprache, special issue, „Zur Soziolinguistik regionaler Mehrsprachigkeit im deutschsprachigen Raum“, ed. by Nils Langer. 2017(4). 310-323.

2017 Sound Change. Oxford Bibliographies Online (OBO): Linguistics, ed. by Mark Aronoff. New York: Oxford University Press. (Revised and updated.)

2017 The Anglo-Frisian relationship as contact and linkage. Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik, special issue in honor of Rolf Bremmer, edited by Michiel van de Vaan and Stephen Laker. 77.377-288.

2016 Monica Macaulay annd Joseph Salmons. Synchrony and diachrony in Menominee derivational morphology. Morphology 26.1–37.

2016 Danielle Schuld, Joseph Salmons, Thomas Purnell and Eric Raimy. “Subliminal accent”: Reactions to the rise of Wisconsin English. Journal of Linguistic Geography.

2016 Comparative-Historical Linguistics. Oxford Bibliographies Online (OBO): Linguistics, ed. by Mark Aronoff. New York: Oxford University Press. (Revised and updated.)

2016 Cristopher Font-Santiago and Joseph Salmons. The Descent of English: West Germanic, any way you slice it. Language Dynamics and Change 6.37-41.

2016 Joshua Bousquette, Ben Frey, Daniel Nützel, Michael Putnam and Joseph Salmons. Parasitic Gapping in Bilingual Grammar: Evidence from Wisconsin Heritage German. Heritage Language Journal 13(1).1-28.

2016 Samantha Litty, Jessica Funtanilla, Hunter Lockwood, James Maedke, David Natvig, and Joseph Salmons. Anything goes: Extreme polysemy in lexical-semantic change. American Speech 91.139-165.

2015 Lisa Yager, Nora Hellmond, Hyoun-A Joo, Michael T. Putnam, Eleonora Rossi, Catherine Stafford and Joseph Salmons. New structural patterns in moribund grammar: Case marking in Heritage German. Frontiers in Psychology: Language Sciences. Research topic: The Grammar of Multilingualism.

2015    Michael T. Putnam & Joseph Salmons. Multilingualism in the Midwest: How German shaped (and continues to shape) the Midwest. Middle West Review 1.29-52.

2014    Wilkerson, Miranda, Mark Livengood & Joseph Salmons. The Socio-Historical Context of Imposition in Substrate Effects. Journal of English Linguistics 42.1-23.

2013 Tom Purnell, Eric Raimy and Joe Salmons. Making linguistics matter: Building on the public's interest in language. Language and Linguistics Compass. 7.398-407.

2013 Michael Putnam and Joseph Salmons. Losing their (passive) voice: Syntactic neutralization in heritage German. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 3.233-252.

2013 Tyler Luiten, Andrea Menz, Angela Bagwell, Benjamin Frey, John Lindner, Mike Olson, Kristin Speth and Joseph Salmons. Beyond the handbooks: a quantitative approach to analysis of Old High German phonology and morphology. Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur (PBB). 135.1-18.

2013 Sound Change. Oxford Bibliographies Online (OBO): Linguistics, ed. by Mark Aronoff. New York: Oxford University Press.

2013 Comparative-Historical Linguistics. Oxford Bibliographies Online (OBO): Linguistics, ed. by Mark Aronoff. New York: Oxford University Press.

2012 Miranda Wilkerson and Joseph Salmons. Linguistic Marginalities: Becoming American without Learning English. Journal of Transnational American Studies 4.2. (

2012 Ryan Carroll, Ragnar Svare and Joseph Salmons. Quantifying the evolutionary dynamics of German verbs. Journal of Historical Linguistics 2.153-172.

2012 Thomas Purnell, Eric Raimy and Joseph Salmons. Teaching, researching and doing outreach on Wisconsin Englishes (audio article). American Speech 87.369-370 [plus audio, doi:10.1215/00031283-1958363]

2012 Gregory K. Iverson & Joseph Salmons. Paradigm pesolution in the life cycle of Norse umlaut. Journal of Germanic Linguistics 24.101-131.

2012 Brent Allen and Joseph Salmons. Obstruenter fonetikk og fonologi i amerikanorsk og norskamerikansk engelsk. Norsk Lingvistisk Tidsskrift 30.149-169.

2011 Ewa Jacewicz, Robert Allen Fox & Joseph Salmons. Vowel change across three age groups of speakers in three regional varieties of American English. Journal of Phonetics 39. 683-693.

2011 Felecia Lucht, Benjamin Frey & Joseph Salmons. A Tale of Three Cities: Urban and Rural Asymmetries in Language Shift. Journal of Germanic Linguistics 23.371-398.

2011 Daniel Nützel & Joseph Salmons. Structural stability and change in language contact: Evidence from American German. Language and Linguistics Compass 5.705-717.

2011 Ewa Jacewicz, Robert Allen Fox and Joseph Salmons. Cross-generational vowel change in American English. Language Variation and Change 23.45-86.

2011 Ewa Jacewicz, Robert Allen Fox and Joseph Salmons. Regional dialect variation in the vowel systems of normally developing children. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research 54.448-470.

2009 Ewa Jacewicz, Robert Allen Fox and Joseph Salmons. Articulation rate across dialect, gender and age. Language Variation & Change 21.233-256.

2009 Thomas Purnell, Eric Raimy and Joseph Salmons. Defining dialect, perceiving dialect and new dialect formation: Sarah Palin's speech. Journal of English Linguistics 37.331-355.

2009 Kathryn Remlinger, Luanne von Schneidemesser and Joseph Salmons. Revised Perceptions: Changing dialect awareness in Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula. American Speech 84.177-191. (Special issue on Enregisterment.)

2008 Laura Catharine Smith & Joseph Salmons. Historical phonology and evolutionary phonology. Diachronica 25.411-430.

2008 Gregory K. Iverson & Joseph Salmons. Germanic Aspiration: Phonetic enhancement and language contact. Sprachwissenschaft 33:3.257-278.

2008 Miranda Wilkerson & Joseph Salmons. 'Good old immigrants of yesteryear' who didn't learn English: Germans in Wisconsin. American Speech 83:3.259-283.

2008 Robert D. King & Joseph C. Salmons. Obituary for Winfred P. Lehmann. Language 84.613-619.

2008 What Old Frisian can tell us about the history of i-umlaut across West Germanic. Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik Special issue: Advances in Frisian Philology, ed. by Rolf H. Bremmer Jr., Stephen Laker, & Oebele Vries. 64.367-377.

2007 Ewa Jacewicz, Joseph Salmons and Robert Allen Fox. Vowel duration across three American dialects. American Speech 82.367-385.

2007 Gregory K. Iverson & Joseph Salmons. Domains and Directionality in the Evolution of German Final Fortition. Phonology 24.1-25.

2006 Gregory K. Iverson & Joseph Salmons. On the typology of final laryngeal neutralization: Evolutionary phonology and laryngeal realism. Theoretical Linguistics 32:2.205-216.

2006 Ewa Jacewicz, Joseph Salmons, & Robert Fox. Prosodic prominence effects on vowels in chain shifts. Language Variation & Change 18:3.285-316.

2006 Gregory K. Iverson & Joseph Salmons. Fundamental Regularities in the Second Consonant Shift. Journal of Germanic Linguistics 18:1.45-70.

2005 Thomas Purnell, Joseph Salmons, Dilara Tepeli & Jennifer Mercer. Structured heterogeneity and change in laryngeal phonetics: Upper Midwestern final obstruents. Journal of English Linguistics 33:4.307-338.

2005 Gregory K. Iverson & Joseph Salmons. Filling the Gap: English tense vowel plus final /š/. Journal of English Linguistics 33:3. 207-221.

2005 Joseph Salmons & Laura Catharine Smith. On the status of the Indo-European labiovelar stops. Indogermanische Forschungen 110.86-96.

2005 Thomas Purnell, Dilara Tepeli & Joseph Salmons. German substrate effects in Wisconsin English: Evidence for final fortition. American Speech. 80.135-164.

2004 Gregory K. Iverson & Joseph Salmons. The Conundrum of Old Norse Umlaut: Regular sound change versus crisis analogy. Journal of Germanic Linguistics. 16.77-110.

2003 Gregory K. Iverson & Joseph Salmons. Laryngeal Enhancement in Early Germanic. Phonology 20.43-72.

2003 Gregory K. Iverson & Joseph Salmons. Legacy Specification in the Laryngeal Phonology of Dutch. Journal of Germanic Linguistics 15.1-26.

2000 Emily L. Goss & Joseph C. Salmons. The Evolution of Bilingual Discourse Marking: Modal particles and English markers in 19th century German-American dialects. International Journal of Bilingualism. 4.469-494.

1999 Garry W. Davis, Gregory K. Iverson & Joseph C. Salmons. Peripherality in the Spread of the High German Consonant Shift. Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur (PBB). 121.177-200.

1999 Gregory K. Iverson & Joseph C. Salmons. Glottal Spreading Bias in Germanic. Linguistische Berichte 178.135-151.

1997 Robert B. Howell & Joseph C. Salmons. Umlautless Residues in Germanic. American Journal of Germanic Linguistics 9.83-111.

1997 Marlys Macken & Joseph C. Salmons. Prosodic Templates in Sound Change. Diachronica 14.33-66.

1996 Linda Lupton & Joseph Salmons. A Reanalysis of the Creole Status of American Sign Language. Sign Language Studies 90.80-94.

1996 Gregory K. Iverson & Joseph C. Salmons. Mixtec Prenasalization as Hypervoicing. International Journal of American Linguistics 62.165-175.

1996 'Global Etymology' as Pre-Copernican Linguistics. California Linguistic Notes 25.1-6, 15.

1996 Gregory K. Iverson & Joseph C. Salmons. The Primacy of Primary Umlaut. Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur (PBB) 118.69-86.

1995 Gregory K. Iverson & Joseph C. Salmons. Aspiration and Laryngeal Representation in Germanic. Phonology 12.369-96.

1995 Monica Macaulay & Joseph C. Salmons. The Phonology of Glottalization in Mixtec. International Journal of American Linguistics 61.38-61.

1994 Gregory K. Iverson, Joseph C. Salmons & Garry W. Davis. Blocking Environments in Old High German Umlaut. Folia Linguistica Historica 15.131-148.

1994 Umlaut and Plurality in Old High German: Some problems with a Natural Morphology account. Diachronica 11.213-29.

1994 Academic/Non-Academic Relations and Filiopietism in German-American Studies. Monatshefte 86.374-377.

1994 Cora Lee Nollendorfs, Brent Peterson & Joseph Salmons. German-American Studies: Definition and Outlook (Conference report). Monatshefte 86.331-334. Originally published in the Newsletter of the Society for German-American Studies.

1993 A Note on Middle High German schulde(n) in the Nibelungenlied. American Journal of Germanic Linguistics and Literatures 5.185-194.

1993 Joseph C. Salmons & Gregory K. Iverson. Gothic þl - ~ fl-Variation as Lexical Diffusion. Diachronica 10.87-96.

1993 The Structure of the Lexicon: Evidence from German gender assignment rules. Studies in Language 17.411-435.

1992 Diachronic Typology and Tone-to-Stress Shift. Journal of Indo-European Studies 20.269-281.

1992 Gregory K. Iverson & Joseph C. Salmons. The Phonology of the Proto-Indo-European Root Structure Constraints. Lingua 87.293-320.

1992 Gregory Iverson & Joseph C. Salmons. The Place of Structure Preservation in German Diminutive Formation. Phonology 9.137-143.

1991 Motivating Grassmann's Law. Historische Sprachforschung/Historical Linguistics (formerly Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung) 104.44-51.

1991 Register in the Formation and Evolution of an Immigrant Language: Evidence from some Indiana German dialects. WORD 42.31-56.

1991 Youth Language in the German Democratic Republic: Its diversity and distinctiveness. American Journal of Germanic Linguistics and Literatures 3.1-31.

1990 Accent and Syllabification in Early Germanic. American Journal of Germanic Linguistics and Literatures 2.137-148.

1990 Bilingual Discourse Marking: Codeswitching, borrowing and convergence in some German-American Dialects. Linguistics 28.453-480.

1989 Joe Salmons & Monica Macaulay. Offensive Rock Band Names: A Linguistic Taxonomy. Maledicta 10.81-99. (Reprinted 1996 in Opus Maledictorum, ed. by Reinhold Aman.)

1988 On the Social Function of Some Southern Indiana German-American Dialect Stories. Humor: International Journal of Humor Research 1.159-175.

1987 Another Word on Lexical Data and Genetic Relationships. Journal of Indo-European Studies 15.381-384.

1986 But Hoosiers Do Talk German: An overview of German in Indiana. Yearbook of German-American Studies 21.155-166.

1985 Methods of Prehistorical Dialect Grouping: The role of lexical data in the Germanic Ausgliederung. Journal of Indo-European Studies 13.445-465.

1983 Issues in Texas German Language Maintenance and Language Shift. Monatshefte 75.186-195.

Book Chapters, Papers in Festschriften and Proceedings, etc.

2025 The classification of the Algonquian languages. Historical Linguistics 2022: Selected papers from the 25th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Oxford, 1–5 August 2022, ed. by Holly Kennard, Emily Lindsay-Smith, Aditi Lahiri and Martin Maiden, 79-93. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

2025 Jeroen Darquennes, Wim Vandenbussche & Joseph Salmons. Language contact research and HSK 45.2. Contact Linguistics, ed. by Jeroen Darquennes, Wim Vandenbussche & Joseph Salmons, 1-8. Berlin: de Gruyter Handbooks. Volume 2.

2025 Rachyl Hietpas & Joseph Salmons. Noun class in heritage and multiethnolectal German and Dutch communities. In Syntax in Uncharted Territories: Essays in Honor of Maria Polinsky, ed. by Vera Gribanov, Lauren Clemens and Gregory Scontras, 271–290. Irvine: eScholarship.

2024 Maria Polinsky, Michael Putnam, and Joe Salmons. Linguistic complexity in heritage languages: An introduction. Complexity in Heritage Languages. Maria Polinsky & Michael Putnam (eds.), 1–13. Berlin: Language Science Press.

2024 Cristopher Font-Santiago & Joseph Salmons. Contact forms of American English. The New Cambridge History of the English Language, ed. by Natalie Schilling, Derek Denis and Raymond Hickey, vol. 5, 213–235. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

2024 Sarah Holmstrom & Joseph Salmons. Needed research in the history of American English. Robert Bayley & Erica Benson (eds.), Needed Research in American Dialects, 8–25. Durham: Publications of the American Dialect Society.

2024 Mark Lauersdorf & Joseph Salmons. The Lost History of Historical Sociolinguistics. Studies in West Germanic Linguistics in Honor of Robert B. Howell, edited by Jennifer Hendriks and B. Richard Page, 304–327. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

2022 Did Ole Really Say That?: Linguistics, Folklore, and Heritage Languages. Culture Work, ed. by Tim Frandy and Marcus Cederström, 332–342. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.

2022 Joshua Brown and Joseph Salmons. A verticalization theory of language shift. The verticalization model of language shift: The Great Change in American communities, ed. by Joshua R. Brown, 1–24. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2022 Joshua Bousquette, Joshua R. Brown, Benjamin Frey, Mirva Johnson, David Natvig, & Joseph Salmons. Reflecting on the commentaries. The verticalization model of language shift: The Great Change in American communities, ed. by Joshua R. Brown, 215–222. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2022 The Last Stages of Language Shift and Verticalization: Comparative Upper Midwestern Data. Selected proceedings of the 11th workshop on immigrant languages in the Americas, ed. by Kelly Biers and Joshua R. Brown, 71-78. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.

2022 The richness of multilingualism in urban contact. Urban contact dialects and language change: Insights from the global North and South, ed. by Paul Kerswill and Heike Wiese, 158-163. London: Routledge.

2021 Monica Macaulay and Joseph Salmons. Prosodic templates in Algonquian reduplication and Initial Change. Linguistic Preferences, ed. by Patrizia Noel Aziz Hanna and Laura Catharine Smith, 17–48. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.

2021 Contributions to phonology of nineteenth century historical linguistics. Oxford Handbook of the History of Phonology, ed. by B. Elan Dresher and Harry van der Hulst, 163–176. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2021 Janne Bondi Johannessen and Joseph Salmons. Germanic heritage varieties in the Americas. The Cambridge Handbook of Heritage Languages and Linguistics, ed. by Silvina Montrul and Maria Polinsky, 252–276. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

2020 Joseph Salmons and Thomas Purnell. Language Contact and the development of American English. The Handbook of Language Contact, ed. by Raymond Hickey. Oxford: Blackwell, 361-383. 2nd edn.

2020 David Natvig and Joseph Salmons. Fully accepting variation in (pre)history: The pervasive heterogeneity of Germanic rhotics. The Polymath Intellectual: A festschrift in honor of Professor Robert D. King, ed. by Patricia C. Sutcliffe, 81-101. Dripping Springs, TX: Agarita Press.

2020 Laryngeal Phonetics, Phonology, Assimilation and Final Neutralization. Cambridge Handbook of Germanic Linguistics, ed. by B. Richard Page and Michael T. Putnam, 119-142. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

2019 The laryngeal phonetics and phonology of Norwegian-American English /s ~ z/. Fonologi, sosiolingvistikk og vitenskapsteori. Festskrift til Gjert Kristoffersen, ed. by Jan Kristian Hognestad, Torodd Kinn and Terje Lohndal, 257-273. Oslo: Novus.

2019 Joseph Salmons and Miranda Wilkerson. Leaving their mark: How Wisconsin came to sound German. English in the German-speaking World, ed. by Raymond Hickey, 362-384. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

2019 Laryngeal Phonetics, Phonology, Assimilation and Final Neutralization. Cambridge Handbook of Germanic Linguistics, ed. by B. Richard Page and Michael T. Putnam, 119-142. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

2019 Jeroen Darquennes, Wim Vandenbussche and Joseph Salmons. Language contact research: Scope, trends and possible future directions. Contact Linguistics , ed. by Jeroen Darquennes, Wim Vandenbussche and Joseph Salmons. Berlin: de Gruyter Handbooks. Volume 1.

2019 Jennifer Mercer, Samantha Litty & Joseph Salmons. Early Immigrant English: Midwestern English before the dust settled. Processes of Change in English: Studies in Late Modern and Present-Day English, ed. by Sandra Jansen, Markus Huber and Lucia Siebers, 115-137. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

2018 A methodological challenge for Neolithic linguistics: The search for substrate vocabulary. Talking Neolithic, ed. by Guus Kroonen and James P. Mallory, 315-335. Washington.

2017 Thomas Purnell, Eric Raimy and Joseph Salmons. Upper Midwestern English. Listening to the Past, ed. Raymond Hickey, 298-324. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

2017 The evolution of Germanic. Comparative Indo-European Linguistics: An international handbook of language comparison and the reconstruction of Indo-European, ed. by Jared Klein, Brian Joseph and Matthias Fritz, 129-153. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. (Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, 41.)

2016 Joshua Bousquette and Joseph Salmons. The Germanic Languages. The Indo-European Languages, ed. by Mate Kapović, 387-420. London: Routledge.

2016 Michael Putnam, Joshua Bousquette, Joseph Salmons, Ben Frey,and Daniel Nützel. Multilingual grammars, dominance, and optimalization. Advances in Optimality Theoretic-Syntax and Semantics, ed. G. Legendre, M. Putnam and E. Zaroukian, 158-176. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2016 Joseph Salmons, Christopher Tabisz and Michael T. Putnam. Heritage German in the United States. National Heritage Language Resource Center.

2015 Samantha Litty, Christine Evans & Joseph Salmons. Gray zones: The fluidity of Wisconsin German language and identification. Linguistic Construction of ethnic borders, ed. Peter Rosenberg. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 183-205.

2015    Janne Bondi Johannessen & Joseph Salmons. The study of Germanic heritage languages in the Americas. Janne Bondi Johannessen & Joseph Salmons, eds. Germanic heritage languages in North America: Acquisition, attrition and change. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1-20. (Studies in Language Variation.)

2015    Brent Allen & Joseph Salmons. Heritage language obstruent phonetics and phonology: American Norwegian and Norwegian-American English. Janne Bondi Johannessen & Joseph Salmons, eds. Germanic heritage languages in North America: Acquisition, attrition and change. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 97-116. (Studies in Language Variation.)

2015    Language shift and the Indo-Europeanization of Europe. Die sprachlichen Wurzeln Europas – Linguistic roots of Europe: Ursprung und Entwicklung – Origin and development, ed. by Birgit Annette Olsen, Robert Mailhammer & Theo Vennemann, 147-169. Copenhagen: Tusculanum Press.

2015    Patrick Honeybone & Joseph Salmons. Key questions for historical phonology. Handbook of Historical Phonology, ed. Patrick Honeybone & Joseph Salmons. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 3-10.

2015    Joseph Salmons & Patrick Honeybone. Structuralist historical phonology: Systems in sound change. Handbook of Historical Phonology, ed. Patrick Honeybone & Joseph Salmons. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 33-49.

2014    Alyson Sewell & Joseph Salmons. How far-reaching are the effects of contact? Parasitic gapping in Wisconsin German and English. Questioning Language Contact: Limits of Contact, Contact at its Limits, ed. Robert Nicolai, 217-251. Leiden: Brill.

2014    Language shift and the Indo-Europeanization of Europe. Die sprachlichen Wurzeln Europas – Linguistic roots of Europe: Ursprung und Entwicklung – Origin and development, ed. by Robert Mailhammer & Theo Vennemann, 147-169. Copenhagen: Tusculanum Press.

2013 Joshua Bousquette, Nick Henry, Ben Frey, Daniel Nützel, Michael Putnam, Alyson Sewell & Joseph Salmons. How deep is your syntax? Filler-gap dependencies in heritage language grammar. Penn Working Papers in Linguistics 19.21-30.

2012 Language shift and the Indo-Europeanization of Europe. Die sprachlichen Wurzeln Europas / Linguistic roots of Europe: Ursprung und Entwicklung / Origin and development, ed. by Robert Mailhammer & Theo Vennemann, 147-169. Copenhagen: Tusculanum Press.

2012 Joseph Salmons, Robert Fox & Ewa Jacewicz. Prosodic skewing of input and the initiation of cross-generational sound change. The initiation of sound change: Production, perception and social factors, ed. by Maria-Josep Solé & Daniel Recasens, 167-184. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

2012 Benjamin E. Frey & Joseph Salmons. Dialect and language contact in emerging Germanic. Archaeology and Language: Indo-European Studies presented to James P. Mallory, ed. by Martin E. Huld, Karlene Jones-Bley & Dean Miller, 95-120. (Journal of Indo-European Studies Monograph, 60.)

2011 Gregory K. Iverson & Joseph Salmons. Final Devoicing and Final Laryngeal Neutralization. Companion to Phonology, ed. by Marc van Oostendorp, Colin Ewen, Beth Hume & Keren Rice. Volume III, pp. 1622-1643. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.

2010 Joseph Salmons & Thomas Purnell. Language contact and the development of American English. The Handbook of Language Contact, ed. by Raymond Hickey. Oxford: Blackwell, 454-477.

2010 Segmental phonological change. A Companion to Historical Linguistics, ed. by Vit Bubenik & Silvia Luraghi, 89-105. London & New York: Continuum.

2009 Ewa Jacewicz, Joseph Salmons & Robert Fox. Prosodic conditioning, vowel dynamics and sound change. Variation in Phonetics and Phonology, ed. by Caroline Féry, Jörg Mayer, Frank Kügler & Ruben van de Vijver, 100-124. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

2009 Gregory K. Iverson & Joseph C. Salmons. Naturalness and the Lifecycle of Sound Change. On Inflection: In Memory of Wolfgang U. Wurzel, ed. by Patrick Steinkrüger & Manfred Krifka, 89-105. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

2008 Dilara Tepeli, Joseph Salmons & Thomas Purnell. Was bleibt bestehen? Der deutsche Einfluß auf das Amerikanische. Die deutsche Präsenz in den USA / The German presence in the U.S.A., ed. by Josef Raab & Jan Wirrer, 745-763. Münster: LIT Verlag.

2007 Ewa Jacewicz, Robert A. Fox, & Joseph Salmons. "Vowel space areas across dialects and gender." Proceedings of the XVIth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, ed. by J. Trouvain & W.J. Barry, pp. 1465-1468. Saarbrücken, Germany.

2006 Cora Lee Kluge & Joseph Salmons. A transcontinental regional perspective on migration: A concluding word. Wisconsin German Land and Life, ed. by Heike Bungert, Cora Lee Kluge & Robert Ostergren, 237-239. Madison: Max Kade Institute.

2006 Joseph Salmons, Dilara Tepeli & Thomas Purnell. Deutsche Spuren im amerikanischen Englischen? Auslautverhärtung in Wisconsin. Sprachinselwelten / The World of Language Islands ed. by Nina Berend & Elisabeth Knipf-Komlósi, 205-225. (= VarioLingua. Nonstandard - Standard - Substandard, 27.) Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang.

2006 Immigrant German. The American Midwest: An interpretative encyclopedia, ed. by Richard Sisson, Christian Zacher & Andrew Clayton, 335-337. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

2006 Robert A. Fox, Ewa Jacewicz, & Joseph Salmons. Prosodically induced phonetic variations in vowels: A source of language change? The Bill Question, ed. by Howard I. Aronson, Donald L. Dyer, Victor A. Friedman, Daniela S. Hristova & Jerrold M. Sadock, 87-110. Bloomington, Ind.: Slavica.

2006 Steven R. Geiger & Joseph C. Salmons. Reconstructing variation at shallow time depths: The historical phonetics of 19th-century German dialects in the U.S. Variation and Reconstruction, ed. by Thomas Cravens, 37-58. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

2005 Joseph Salmons & Felecia A. Lucht.  Standard German in Texas. Studies in Contact Linguistics: Essays in honor of Glenn G. Gilbert, ed. by Linda Thornburg & Janet Fuller, 165-186. Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang.

2005 Community, Region and Language Shift in German-speaking Wisconsin. Regionalism in the Age of Globalism: Volume 2: Forms of regionalism, ed. by Lothar Hönnighausen, Anke Ortlepp, James Peacock, Niklaus Steiner & Carrie Matthews (consulting editor), 133-144. Madison: Center for the Study of Upper Midwestern Cultures.

2005 The role of community and regional structure in language shift. Regionalism in the Age of Globalism: Volume 1: Concepts of regionalism, ed. by Lothar Hönnighausen, Marc Frey, James Peacock & Niklaus Steiner, 129-138. Madison: Center for the Study of Upper Midwestern Cultures.

2004 How (non-)Indo-European is the Germanic Lexicon? And what does that mean? Etymologie, Entlehnungen und Entwicklungen: Festschrift für Jorma Koivulehto zum 70. Geburtstag ed. by Irma Hyvärinen, Petri Kallio & Jarmo Korhonen. Helsinki: Société Néophilologique. 311-321. [Mémoires de la Société Néophilologique, 63.]

2003 "Edgar C. Polomé". Internationales Germanistenlexikon 1800-1950. Hrsg. & eingel. von Christoph König. 3 Bde. Berlin / New York: de Gruyter.

2003 Christof Mauch & Joseph Salmons. "Introduction". German-Jewish Identities: From the Civil War to the present , ed. by Christof Mauch & Joseph Salmons. Madison: Max Kade Institute. 1-7.

2003 Gregory K. Iverson & Joseph C. Salmons. The ingenerate motivation of sound change. Motives for Language Change, ed. by Raymond Hickey. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 199-212.

2002 "The Shift from German to English, World War I and the German-language Press in Wisconsin". Menschen zwischen zwei Welten: Auswanderung, Ansiedlung, Akkulturation, ed. by Walter G. Rödel & Helmut Schmahl. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier. 179-193.

2002 "Sprachkontaktdynamik: Konvergenz und Divergenz in amerikanischen Sprachinseln". "Standardfragen": Soziolinguistische Perspektiven auf Sprachgeschichte, Sprachkontakt und Sprachvariation, ed. by Evelyn Ziegler & Jannis Androutsopoulos. Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang. [= VarioLingua, 18.] 109-120.

2001 Introduction. Michael Zimmers Kriegstagebuch, ed. by Jürgen Macha & Andrea Wolf. Bern: Peter Lang. ix-xii.

2000 Gregory K. Iverson & Joseph C. Salmons. Zur historischen Phonetik und Phonologie des Umlauts im Deutschen. Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachforschung Papers in Linguistics, Humboldt Universität, Berlin. 15.68-76.

1999 David J. Holsinger & Joseph C. Salmons. Toward "a complete analysis of the residues": On regular vs. morpholexical approaches to Old High German umlaut. The Emergence Of The Modern Language Sciences: Studies On The Transition from Historical-Comparative to Structural Linguistics in Honour of E.F. Konrad Koerner, vol. II, ed. by Sheila Embleton, John E. Joseph and Hans-Josef Niederehe. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 239-253.

1999 Gregory K. Iverson & Joseph C. Salmons. Umlaut as Regular Sound Change: The phonetic basis of "ingenerate umlaut". Festschrift for W. P. Lehmann, ed. by Edgar C. Polomé & Carol Justus, 207-224. (JIES monograph.) Washington: Institute for the Study of Man.

1998 Gregory K. Iverson & Joseph C. Salmons. Some implications of Proto-Indo-European coda structure for distant genetic relations. In Search Of Language Origins: Selected Papers from the Seventh Meeting of the Language Origins Society, ed. by Edward Callary. Internet publication:

1998 Gregory K. Iverson & Joseph C. Salmons. On laryngeal markedness in English. Tokyo: Phonological Studies '97 (On'in Kenkyu '97). 1.203-210. (Published for The Phonological Society of Japan, by Kaitakusha, Kyoto.)

1997 Naturalness Syndromes and PIE 'Voiced Stops'. Festschrift for Eric P. Hamp, volume II, ed. Douglas Q. Adams. (JIES monograph, 24.) Washington: Institute for the Study of Man. 155-63.

1997 Various Indo-European adjectival etymologies, with various co-authors. Encyclopedia of Indo-European Culture, ed. Douglas Q. Adams & James P. Mallory. Chicago: Fitzroy & Dearborn.

1996 Gregory Iverson & Joseph C. Salmons. Spread Glottis Implementation in Germanic. Current Linguistic Research [Hyundae Munpeop Youngku], Vol. 5 (Commemorative Issue in Honor of Pak Young-soo), ed. by H.-S. Sohn. Taegu, Korea: Society for Current Linguistic Research. (Publication year 1994, appeared 1996.) 331-366.

1994 Naturalness and Morphological Change in Texas German. Deutsche Sprachinselforschung: Eine Gedenkschrift für Hugo Jedig, ed. Nina Berend & Klaus J. Mattheier. Bern: Peter Lang. 59-72.

1994 Sketch of an Interlanguage Rule System: Advanced Nonnative German Gender Assignment. Current Issues in Second Language Acquisition and Development, ed. by Carol A. Blackshire-Belay. Lanham, MD: University Press of America. 187-203.

1993 The Theory and practice of global etymology. Proceedings of the XVth International Congress of Linguists, ed. Andre Crochetiere et al. Sainte Foy: Laval. 153-155.

1992 The Evolution of gender assignment rules from Old High German to New High German. Recent Developments in Germanic Linguistics, ed. Rosina Lippi-Green. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 93.) Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 81-95.

1992 A look at the data for a Proto-World etymology: *tik 'finger'. Explanation in Historical Linguistics, ed. Garry Davis and Gregory K. Iverson. Amsterdam: Benjamins. (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 84.) 207-228.

1992 Approaches to English in some Indiana German Newspapers. The German-American Press, ed. Henry Geitz. Madison, WI: Max Kade Institute. 183-194.

1992 Northwest Indo-European Vocabulary and Substrate Phonology. Perspectives on Indo-European Language, Culture and Religion: Studies in Honor of Edgar C. Polomé, ed. Roger Pearson. Volume 2. Washington, DC: Institute for the Study of Man. (JIES monographs, 9.) 265-279.

1990 From Tone to Stress: Mechanisms and Motivations. Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society , ed. Kira Hall et al. 282-291.

1990 The Context of Language Change. Research Guide on Language Change , ed. Edgar C. Polomé. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. (Trends in Linguistics, 48.) 71-95.

1990 Ethnic Identity in some Indiana German Dialect Stories. WHIM VII, The Seventh National Conference on Humor, eds. Shaun Hughes and Victor Raskin. 108-110.

1988 The Question of a German-American Vocabulary. Germanic Linguistics II , ed. Elmer Antonsen and Hans Henrich Hock. Bloomington: IULC. 102-111.

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